Saturday, December 31, 2011

Keripik Tempe

Keripik Tempe Recipe

Chip materials Tempe:

     Soybean tempeh taste
     Rice flour, 300 grams
     Tapioca flour / starch, 150 grams
     Chicken eggs, 1 egg
     Water, 500 grams
     Cooking oil, 2 liters


     Coriander, 10 grams
     Garlic, 50 grams
     Pecan, 50 grams
     Turmeric powder, 1 / 4 teaspoon (optional)
     Salt, 8 grams
     Lime leaves, 5 grams

How to make chips Tempe:

     Layer: Mix rice flour, tapioca flour, eggs, spices until blended. Pour a little water, stirring until blended, set aside.
     Cut / tempeh slices with a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm - 1 mm.
     Heat oil over medium heat.
     Dip each sheet of tempeh in batter coating, remove and drain. Fry until dry and yellow-brown. Remove, drain and let cool.
     Tempeh chips ready to be packed.

Tips to make chips Tempe:

     To make tempeh chips, you should choose dense tempeh, so his appearance is more beautiful and crisp / krispi longer.
     Even better if tempenya produced with a thickness corresponding to the size of the chips will be made so it does not need to be cut. If indeed tempenya must buy, it is recommended to use special cutting tools, because the nature of tempeh is easy to fall apart when cut.
     Cut / slice tempeh moment will be processed so that the spores do not grow much, because if the spores grow too much can lead to rapid loss crispy tempeh chips (soggy).
     Use the new cooking oil when frying chips and a lot of tempeh, so that the appearance and taste quality chips (not rancid and the color is bright yellow-brown).
     Pack tempeh chips with packaging that truly airtight, so crispy tempeh more awake. Make sure the chips are cold when packed tempeh.

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